Note To PR Folks... (VON)
Hey folks, you've got a problem. I don't claim to have a well thought solution, just a suggestion or three. But I really think you should start paying attention to the problem and work hard to find a solution... probably a better one than I suggest.
As with many of the premier technology publishers covering VoIP, IP Inferno is planning to attend the upcoming VON show to cover all of the exciting new developments in this market. As registered press, we are on lists distributed to all of you... So you are busily doing your jobs and sending emails to us about your upcoming announcements.
With a huge show this year and an overhyped market environment, do you have any idea how many emails I am getting each day about possible meetings at the show?
This whole setup isn't working. I can't possibly respond to all of you, much less meet with all of your CEOs, CTOs, customers reference accounts, etc. You aren't going to get the response levels you need to satisfy the companies paying your fees. So in my opinion, this whole dance between PR and press is broken and has to stop.
How could this be done better?
First, bug the VON folks to create two things, a press wiki and an RSS feed. Instead of sending emails out to all of us, get VON to tell all of us about the wiki and RSS feed. Let us visit the wiki to find things of specific interest to us and let us subscribe to the RSS feed so we can glance through all of the tantilizing meeting opportunities and parties.
Second, if you really want me (or I'd guess any press) to meet with you, you are going to have to do better than "ShamVoip is rolling out exciting new shiny objects, won't you please meet our badly dressed CEO to hear about them?" Instead, how about tantilizing me with a real story? What's the hook? What's the problem you solve? How are you going to disrupt your market or scare the pants off of some big incumbent? Or are you the big incumbent and you are ready to play at a new game? Make me want to cover your story!!
Third, if all else fails BRIBE ME :-) But seriously, if you have nothing to say, but want my attention, tell me where the party is. Everyone is introducing a "new family of x" so that isn't going to get my attention.
Tired: Product releases
Wired: Wine and beer
See you at VON!